Beware Beige Food!
Did you know that some people dedicate their lives and diets to eating only beige food?
And just what what is beige food I hear you say? Those beige food-loving folk, define it as anything on your plate that isn’t green. They proudly declare that they love the beige! So long as the food hues are fawn, pale yellow, cream and well, beige, they will have it. Along with greenery, there is to be no orange, no red, no purples, no pistachio, no amber, no cerise and no mauve. Here are some pictorial examples:
Interesting isn’t it, the sorts of foods that are beige?
Some of my favourite foods used to be (are) of the beige variety : Red Rock deli chips, brie, camembert, crackers, cashews, pastry. So what really is “bad” about beige? Well, beige is a boring colour, and beige foods are well…boring. The plate looks boring. But above all, the food is boringly bad for you. It’s usually of the deep fried, high fat, high carbohydrate variety. Ever seen those shows on TV where the weight loss guru spends a week with a plus-sized family and then spreads out their weeks’ worth of food (my favourite one at the moment is “Fat Family Diet” – watch it just for the presenter’s alliteration: giant jellies, mammoth mummy, large and lard-like, and the way he cheerfully calls his subjects “Massive Fatties”) and there it is in all its glory – beige chips, beige pizza, beige crumbed things, beige cakes, beige potatoes, beige burgers , beige nuggets, beige gravy, beige custard, beige coffee, beige bread, beige donuts, beige pasta, beige ice cream, beige beer and beige takeaways. Check it out, I kid you not – even Jamie Oliver’s done it.
So now, I’m going for the nutrition rainbow. – and there’s no beige in that baby. A piece of trivia to note - the compounds that give fruit and vegetables their bright colour also give them their unique health promoting properties – they do more than just provide nutrition! .Some studies have shown that these plant-based chemicals, or phyto-nutrients help prevent one or more chronic, debilitating and often deadly diseases by boosting immunity or ridding the body of damaging free radicals.
The trick is to include as many plant-based foods in your daily diet as possible, always eat the colourful skins that often have the richest sources of protective phyto-nutrients. And don’t peel things like apples and eggplants – that’s where all the good stuff is.
In addition to their low calorie benefits- did you know that purple hued foods (think grapes, eggplants, blueberries, beetroot, and um …red wine) are said to delay the ageing of cells in the body? Eat your purples – delay Alzheimer’s and maintain good urinary tract health!! How about your greens? Some research says they help to promote strong bones and teeth, they’re good for your vision and keep your eyes healthy and may lower the risk of some types of cancer. The reds help fight some cancers and strengthen the lungs!! The benefits go on!! I could run out of exclamation marks!!
Whaddya get from the beige? Heart disease, clogged arteries, diabetes, bowel problems, indigestion, bloating, lethargy, high blood pressure, and even mood disorders such as depression. So now, what is the upshot of all this for me? Well. I have decided well and truly to all gone, banish the beige - all gone - "good beiges" like tuna and chicken. Viva the green! The red! The orange! The yellow! The purples!
Banish the Beige!!
Jules - I LOVE this post. Emotive, (colourful, even?), laugh-out-loud and really informative. CONGRATS on an excellent start. Keep 'em coming!